Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Building the life you love

Psalm 121:2 “My help comes from the Lord. Maker of Heaven and earth.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a blessed and joyful day today.
Building the lives we love means understanding that we simply cannot control every aspect of our lives and we cannot always put every piece of the puzzle together just so. These details are best left in God’s perfect hands. When we try to be control freaks and we insist on having things exactly as they should be in our own minds we are quite literally telling God how we think things are supposed to be. Us, telling the creator of the universe what we think would be best for our lives, and even for others lives, when we didn’t create this amazingly breathtaking universe, He did. The building blocks of our lives are placed upon one another based on the seasons we have walked through and the challenges, trials, and experiences we have faced, all of which have made us stronger and wiser, and even though we may try to kid ourselves and say we have always been in control, truly all along God has been in control, He just loves us enough to let us believe that we have always been in control. Something for us to consider in this message is this: what better paths and even better plans and outcomes are we missing out on because we have been, and we continue to be, so set on being fully in control instead of trusting our whole lives and our futures to God. The hearts we hear beating, the breaths we breathe in and out, the toes that wiggle under our covers as we read this message, the brain that helps us make decisions, God made them all and we didn’t have to give Him any instructions on how to get these things right, either. If we know and believe that God has made no mistakes in creating the universe and in creating us so far, then surely we can trust our lives and the plans for our lives in His perfect hands. This way we can most definitely ensure that He will work in His perfect ways to bring us to living the life we truly love.
Have an exceptional day today.
I love you all
Love San đŸ˜€

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