Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Rooted in God’s Word

(Photo courtesy of Sherryl Davis)

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that whosoever believes in Him will never perish but will have everlasting life.”
1 Corinthians 15:33 “Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”
1 Corinthians 15:57 “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a terrific day today.
I recently learned while listening to one of my YouTube people I listen to regularly, that there are places in the middle east (for example there are likely other places as well) where displaying a cross at all can land you in jail and saddle you with hefty finest to pay. Literally in these places the people who rile in these places will turn your whole life upside down and do what they can to destroy you as a person if you display a cross. Now their reasoning behind that is because you are then “offending Allah and the prophet Mohammed” ๐Ÿค” To that, as a dedicated and rooted Christian woman sure of my Savior Jesus Christ and confident that His great love for me and His death on the Cross has saved me and provided me an eternal home in Heaven, I say I call that bluff on those who refuse to allow the cross to be displayed. The honest truth is that they KNOW the power of the Cross. They know that the truth of Jesus Christ and what Jesus died to give to all who believe in Him immediately wipes out all of the false teachings, all of the worldly theories, and all of their powers and strongholds because if more people were able to know, accept, and believe in Jesus freely then more people would know the truth that Paul spoke in Philippians 1:21 when he said that “to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” To know God’s word and the truth of Jesus also teaches us the power we have within us because we know from scripture that the very same Holy Spirit that rose Jesus from death on the third day according to scripture lives within us tells us that indeed we have more authority that those in power because of the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit that God puts inside of us when we choose to accept Jesus into our hearts and when we choose to turn away from sin, let Jesus wash us clean and live our lives to fully honor Jesus and love God and our neighbors. Today be thankful you know God, you know Jesus, and as flawed as it may be, you live in a country where you have been allowed the freedom to have the opportunity to know God, to study the word of God, to know the truth of Jesus and what He died to give to us, and you can freely praise Him, worship Him, and display your cross everywhere you go. Thanks be to God!
Have an awesome day today
I love you all
Love San ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Rooted in God’s Word

(Photo courtesy of Sherryl Davis)

Luke 1:37 “For no word from God will ever fail.โ€
2 Timothy 3:16 “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,…”
Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of Godย is alive and active.ย Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a marvelous day today
The importance of becoming rooted in God’s Word and staying rooted in His word is literally the difference between life and death. Without the vital hope, truth, and promises that God’s word gives to us freely everyday we would all genuinely be so caught up in this world with no hope for a better eternal home one day that more and more of us would likely simply give up on life all together. The word of God is alive and well and it’s still just as important and relevant today as it was the day that it was breathed straight from God and written down by the various authors of the books in the Bible. In fact, I have found that when all of us are willing to open ourselves up to allowing God to speak to us, we can also hear straight from God His words guiding us in the right direction, His promises reminding us that the trying, hard, and difficult seasons will pass and hope is always nearby. The enemy lurking in this world wants us to forget the word of God. The enemy wants us to lose sight of God’s truth, God’s promises, and God’s teachings for us so that we can become so attached to the worldly view that we throw God’s word away to rationalize what the world says is the only right way to live, think, and act today. This kind of thinking then all too easily plays right into the hands of the enemy and one day if we’re not careful into the plots and plans of the anti-Christ. This thought alone should be a shaking and jarring reminder to all of us to not only stay rooted ourselves in God’s Word, but to be willing to quickly and readily share the word of God with all who we love and every one we meet to help all who know God and who want to know God become rooted in God’s truthful, promising, hope giving Word as our shield, our defense, our light, and our barrier against all attacks, plots, and plans of the enemy.
Have an outstanding day today
I love you all
Love San ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Rooted in God’s Word

1 Chronicles 16:34 “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18 “Give thanks to the Lord in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a terrific Thanksgiving day today.
In light of so many losses that so many families have endured and so many tragedies we have heard about so many families and individuals facing, this is a Thanksgiving we should all certainly be thankful and grateful for every blessing we have big and small. As I start out my Thanksgiving morning bright and early the thoughts of the many families affected forever by the tragic event in Wisconsin weigh heavy upon my heart, yet one story I read yesterday sticks with me. The story of one of the victims killed who was a devoted mother, grandmother, and wife. The husband shared in an interview that her autopsy after this tragic event revealed that she actually had undiagnosed uterine cancer. Upon learning this her husband stated in the interview that he shared this with his children and family and he told them that perhaps God taking home his beloved wife and their loving mother in this way last weekend was God’s way of ensuring that she wouldn’t have to suffer through the battle cancer would have put her through. He explained that this is exactly how his wife would have wanted them to see things in light of the way she died. Her husband explained that in life, she was the kind of person who was rooted in her love of God, Jesus, her church, her family, and her passions and she strongly believed that there is always a reason why everything happens as it does. We can’t always make heads or tails of why certain things have to happen, why the people we love are taken from us when we only wanted more time, why bad things have to happen to good people, but we can always find our comfort, healing, and strength in knowing that our loving God has our loved ones at Home in Heaven with Him now and He is still very much on His throne and in control in this world today and always. In our hearts we can all be genuinely grateful and thankful for these amazing truths. Thanks be to God. In sweet memory of the victims of the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin and the many lives lost over these past two years to COVID and to the growing gun violence.
Have a blessed day today
Hug your lived one’s tightly
Love San ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Rooted in God’s Word

Proverbs 4:23 ” Above all else, guard your heart, for all that you do flows from it.”
Jeremiah 17:10 “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.โ€
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a magnificent day today.
From God’s heart to our ears, here are the words of God telling us such an important lesson, don’t leave our hearts out there willy, nilly to allow just anyone or anything to latch onto our hearts and plant bad seeds there. Be mindful of the things and the people we choose to let have access to our hearts. Listen as God Speaks:
“Child, Do not let hatefulness or bitterness take root in your heart. For it is here that when evil, hateful, or bitter seeds take root that ugliness, greed, and hate fueled words and actions come from outwardly appearing to all. This is why I have taught My children in scripture to guard their hearts at all times, because this is the root where all of your actions, be them good or bad, flow from. Allow seeds of hope, joy, love, kindness, caring, generosity, and peace to take root and grow in your heart. Then when your heart plants, receives, and grows these good seeds, this will choke out the weeds that may be trying to grow the bad seeds in your heart, thereby leaving no room for the seeds of evil, hatred, and negativity to take root at all. Walk with Me every day, My child, and let Me continually plant good seeds within your heart every day. This will help keep your heart focused on the right things and this will help keep your mind and spirit stayed steady and faithful on the good path I have set you on to follow.”
Have an outstanding day today.
I love you all
Love San ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Rooted in God’s Word

John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him will never perish, but will have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a terrific day today
As we start this Thanksgiving week it’s so important for us to not only spend this time reflecting upon the people and things God has blessed us with that we are thankful for, but to more importantly understand how important it is for us to be eternally grateful for the Love God has for us and Jesus showed for us all. If not for the Love of God we would never, ever be able to see Heaven, be reunited with our loved ones, or know half the peace, hope, healing, strength, and joy we know here on earth. If not for the Love of Jesus shown to us in His life and His death, we would never know redemption, grace, forgiveness, or restoration. We’d always be forever deemed sinners destined to an eternity spent in the pits of torture and trapped by the gates of the enemy’s home. But God! God sent His Beloved Son, Jesus to freely, lovingly, and willingly give His life for us thereby freeing us of our sins, breaking the chains of shame, regret, unforgiveness of ourselves, and brokenness allowing us to be washed clean, given a new chance, offered a new identity in Jesus Christ, and all God asks us to do is to believe in Jesus and accept Him into our hearts as our Lord and Savior. With hearts that truly and genuinely seek Him, love Him, believe in Him, and accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we can be forever grateful and thankful for the many awesome gifts our Heavenly Father has given us today, this week, this holiday, and every day we wake up, start a new day, and belive in God’s greatest eternal new plans for our lives. For He is our wonderful Fatyer who wants all of His children to one day come back home to Him.
Have an amazing day today
I love you all
Love San ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Rooted in God’s Word

Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but rather be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and prove what God’s will is-his good, pleasing, and perfect will.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a marvelous day today.
Someone I work with once said to me, “when someone shows you who they really are, believe them the first time.” The other night, as I headed to bed I heard this sentence echoed back to me, but in a slightly different way: “when God tells you who He has called you and created you to be, believe Him this first time and every time.” We all too often tend to lose ourselves in the demands of our daily lives. Between work and errands, chores and endless to-do lists, we can all too quickly forget about the callings God has placed upon our lives and before we know it more time than we realize has passed, we feel lost and uncertain of ourselves, and we find we have forgotten our calling. Despite the ups and downs and the twists and turns life can take us through, it is so important for us to fully understand who God tells us we are and to embrace, love, and share our true selves with the world no matter what the world thinks of us. To try to hide our genuine selves and cover ourselves up with conforming opinions and socially accepted facades isn’t what the world needs anymore. In fact, Jesus taught us all what the world really needs most of all- love! He even went so far as to display His own love for us on the cross. Don’t be afraid to walk against the flow of the crowd and choose to let your Godly light shine in the world. For by being true to ourselves and true to who God tells us we are and who we can be, our God given lights may help illuminate the way for many others to find their own unique way and their own specific callings from God as well. Only God could ever orchestrate such a beautiful plan that way.
Have a spectacular day today
I love you all
Love San ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Rooted in God’s Word

(Photo courtesy of Bubba Ratcliff)

Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created…”
Good morning ya’ll.
I pray that you have a fantastic day today.
As we continue on in our journey to become more rooted in God’s Word this short yet powerful piece of scripture calls us to learn that we aren’t the ones in control. We are meant to be the sheep and Jesus our Shepherd because Jesus knows the best way to lead us, the best path to guide us on, we don’t. We know that God created all that we see and all we can’t even begin to see on earth and all throughout our universe, yet we struggle to say our prayers and place those things which worry us the most, those things that keep us up at night, those things that look and seem impossible, into God’s hands to take care of. Somehow, we foolishly convince ourselves that “we’ve got this” even though the truth is there’s no way we can truly see our best outcomes unless we choose to let God take the reins of our lives. Many foolish people all over our globe right now have convinced themselves that “they’ve got this!” leading them to take God completely out of the equation in order to “play God” themselves. We know from the Bible that this does not end well for them. “In the beginning…” harkens to the end times by reminding us all that this is God’s story and He continues to be fully in control just as He always has been, just as He always will be. There will never be a shortage of people who will try to make others believe that God is irrelevant and that God is no longer a force to be reckoned with, but these are the people who will one day find themselves in a lifetime of dark and hopeless circumstances and places as well as an eternity spent in misery, all to have gained their moments of worldly power and glory. For those of us who know God, who love God with all of our hearts, and who understand the power of “God created…” we will see the victory, the hope, the eternal joy and goodness of God’s love, God’s good gifts, and His eternal love in life and in death as we have our eternal home of Heaven to look forward to and our eternal joy of walking always with Jesus. Truly because of “In the beginning God created…the Heavens and the earth…” we know that the glory and the victory will be ours to claim in Jesus’s Holy name and to God’s awesome praise. Thanks be to God!
Have a phenomenal day today
I love you all
Love San ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Rooted in God’s Word

(Photo courtesy of David Davis)

Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of Godย is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword,ย it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have an excellent day today
My mom read a headline to an article out loud to me a couple of weeks ago that has stuck firmly in my mind. That headline read, “If you want to get rid of books that make children feel uncomfortable you should start with the Bible.” I was astounded. Now, mind you, I didn’t read the article, but the headline alone was certainly a headline that would grab any devoted Christian’s attention. This headline, while shocking, definitely held it’s potential for truth. This is because God’s word is a comfort to those who walk with Jesus, who have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and we have committed ourselves to new lives, renewed spirits, and changed for the better hearts as we look towards an eternal life in Heaven. However, for those who haven’t accepted Jesus, for those who refuse to know Him and who would rather embrace a broken and unsettled world with its limited worldly offerings and tangible answers, then yes, the Bible does make you feel uncomfortable. This is because the Bible ultimately calls all of us to examine our own lives under the microscope of God’s truth about who we are supposed to be in the world instead of pacifying us and telling us that we can simply be who or what we want to be just because that’s how we feel we deserve to be in our minds. Jesus teaches us in His own words in the New Testament that, yes, people will offend us, hurt us, betray us, and steal from us, but we are called to forgive those people and even pray for them meanwhile the world sells us the lie that we should hold grudges, hold onto our right to be offended, and let those experiences make us more determined to take revenge against those who did us wrong. The Bible holds many great lessons and countless words of wisdom that lead us to live a better life as believers of Jesus because we have been willing to assess ourselves under that microscope, admit the wrongs we have done in our pasts, accept Jesus’s gift of salvation and healing into our hearts and allow His blood spilled for us to cleanse us, renew us, and change us for the better. We also know now as redeemed and saved Christians that we have Heaven to look forward to one day, and having these gifts along with the promise of Heaven gives us a peace that surpasses all understanding even in these trying and tumultuous times. These amazing gifts are available to anyone who wants to receive them at any time. Yes, you will have to face seeing your true faults, flaws, cracks, and shortcomings just as all of us have had to do, and you will likely start to notice that the attraction and desire for the worldly things you once thought you couldn’t live without will likely leave you when you ask Jesus to come into your heart to cleanse you and change you, but we can all promise you and assure you that the joy, blessings, hope, peace, and rewards that come from being truly dedicated to Jesus and living a pure and simple Christian life are far greater than any earthly treasure any of us could ever hope to find. I challenge you who doubt to pick up the Bible and start reading today to find out.
Have an awesome day today
I love you all
Love San ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Rooted in God’s Word

(What if we let God be the super hero we all truly need?)

Matthew11:28-30 “Come to me all who are all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.โ€
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a wonderful day today.
I just had a four day stretch off of work. I can’t even tell you how very much I needed this time off. My life had become so engrossed in work and my job that I barely had time to remember my own name. For years I have been saying that more companies need to implement the option for employees to have four day work weeks in order to allow them to have more three day weekends. Taking the time to reset your mind, refresh your soul with what truly brings you joy, and reconnect with God, your family, and the things that matter most to you, are so important to keeping your heart light and your spirit renewed. If we all took more time to really disconnect from our busy, hectic, chaotic, daily lives and word we would all likely be in a much better place mentally, physically, and spiritually that our world would likely be a calmer and kinder place to be. The powers that be in the world today would like us to believe that the harder we work, the more we strive, the more we toil our fingers to the bone driving our lives quickly towards an early grave or at least a nervous breakdown, then and only then can we even hope to see success. God tells us that this is not the case when we walk with Jesus and when we have complete faith in what God can do (see Proverbs 3:5-6 & Matthew 11:28-30).
I’m guilty of being that person who lacks enough faith to trust God to take care of the details like making enough money to ensure the bills are paid and breaking my back to work as many hours as possible to see a somewhat larger paycheck hit the bank to save just a few more dollars, instead of stepping out in faith to do all the things I feel God calls me to do, but those things which also may not get all of the bills paid. As I write this devotional sitting in my bed so drained and exhausted after only my first day back to work I search myself and also implore all of us to search within our own hearts to have the trust and faith in God to step out in faith, follow His better, more peaceful plan for our lives, and to embrace the likelihood that when we hand all of tye details over to God as we choose to be obedient to His plan, then His perfectly crafted plans for our lives will come together in more beautiful and amazing ways than we could have ever created, and we didn’t have to work ourselves to death to see our greatest successes after all.
Have a marvelous day today
I love you all
Love San ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Rooted in God’s Word

James 4:8 “Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a fantastic day today.
“Oh dang! All that work and the whole time I was going in the wrong direction.” Sandra Ratcliff
If I may confide in you all, making my bed is quite the Olympic sport for me. Oh, my bed is cozy enough, all tucked into the nook in the corner of my small converted garage bedroom with the wonderful faux barn wood wall at the head of the bed which only adds to its coziness, but making the bed tucked right up against two walls, well that can prove to be quite the challenge when you’re over 45 years-old, over 190 pounds, and your bad back seems to be calling all of the shots these days. The quote at the beginning of this devotional were the words I spoke over the weekend as I struggled to put the fitted sheet onto my bed only to realize once I’d finally gotten the first fitted corner onto my mattress, that I had done all of that work yet all the while I had gone in the wrong direction. Immediately after saying those words I thought about how likely most of us have faced this in our journey’s through life. Having fought hard, struggled, battled, and clawed our way to get to certain places or to keep certain people in our lives only to realize that all the while we had been headed in the wrong direction. All that work, all of that time, only to find our efforts were fruitless and our energy had been wasted. There is a reason why scripture tells us that “apart from the vine [Jesus] we cannot produce good fruit” (John 15:5) and that God’s word is a “lamp for our feet and a light to our path.” (Psalm 119:105) This is because we cannot see our way clearly when we allow ourselves to drift away from God to go chasing after worldly treasures. Chasing these things can lead us towards poor choices, bad decisions, negative feelings about what others have that we may not have, and regrets about the choices we didn’t make. Soon we are sitting by ourselves, lost, lonely, confused, and weary asking God “why” and “what now” to which God gives us His gentle answer, “Come near to Me, (child) and I will come near to you.” (James 4:8) We can all benefit from taking the time to get alone with God in prayer, ask God to show us in which directions we are moving that are leading us the wrong way. Ask Him to reveal to us the good things we should be chasing instead of the worldly things we are trying to grasp, and then ask God to draw near to us, correct our perspective, shift our feet and hearts and spirits to begin moving in the right direction, and allow God to renew our hearts and minds to start living the lives we have truly berm created and called to live which will ultimately lead us in the right direction that is best for our weary and worm out souls. Thanks be to God.
Have an amazing day today
I love you all
Love San ๐Ÿ˜ƒ