Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Freestyle Inspiration

“More things are wrought (obtained) by prayer than this world dreams of” -Alfred Tennyson
1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray Continually!”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a wonderful day today
A scholar I am not. Nor am I a rocket scientist or a mathematical genius. I am a simple, wise mature lady who has been through many seasons of life to end up here. I simply wanted to spend my life passionately sharing the beautiful love of Jesus and how His eternal love for me saved me from certain destruction in difficult times in my life. I possess a passion to involve myself in living a certain way and learning new things. These parts of me have recently become dulled and hidden due to a few choices I myself have made which led me in not so sure directions. My own questionable decisions have now made me question whether I should still be passionate about the things I was once passionate about. In addition to this I have recently had to face certain people in life who have the agenda of tearing me down spiritually and emotionally and my only guess as to why they would want to do this would be that they want to feel more powerful and in control. Being a person who is wide open in your spirit to receive more of God and Jesus can also leave you vulnerable to the negative attacks as well. This is why it is so important for us to always call on the name of Jesus and to always clothe ourselves in the Powerful and Mighty Holy Spirit of God to protect us from these attacks. It’s also extremely vital that we continually pray and ask God for wisdom. This way His Armor and His Wisdom and the presence of Jesus can come to our rescue the moment we begin to recognize when we are being attacked or led astray.  If you feel the same way I do now or recently or in the future I would encourage us to pray and to speak to God as often as we can. John 1:12 teaches us that “all of us who have received Jesus Christ into out hearts and we believe in His Holy name we have been given the right to be children of God.” This is a gift we should never stop being grateful for and one we should always cling to, especially in times of trouble such as those times like a described in the opening of this message. Whether we are facing a physical attack, a mental attack, or a spiritual attack it’s important that we know exactly where to run to for help and Who to cling to for protection, renewal, and guidance- Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. For He is always and forever our Rock, our Protector, and our Mighty Strong Tower.
Have an amazing day today
I love you all
Love San 😀

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