Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Let us pray

(Photo courtesy of Choosak Wonggaew)

Mark 11:24 “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a spectacular day today.
If you don’t believe in the power of prayer and if you don’t believe in miracles you are missing out on such a truly amazing and life altering gift. God is a perfect and loving Father who wants to give us all only good things and He wants to hear from us to ask Him, with faith filled hearts, to help us with all the challenges and obstacles we face throughout our journey through our lives. God wants to help us in our times of need. God wants to show us the better paths to take when the ones we are currently on just don’t seem to be right for us anymore. God wants to see us walk in His light and He wants to see us thrive as believers of Jesus. There are entirely too many people in the world today who don’t believe in God at all therefore they don’t believe in miracles nor do they believe in the power of prayer. This is quite sad because when times of trouble come to them they are left with little to no hope to cling to. For whatever you are facing today or whatever is weighing on your heart, choose today to lift those concerns up to God so He can truly help you. Even if you aren’t sure if you believe in God or not I would challenge you to give God His more than fair chance. Ask Him, I assure you He will answer with His perfect and wonderful provisions. They might not match what you were expecting, but I can promise you His answers will be far better. Let us pray: “Dear God, You are Amazing and You are still bringing about provisions and miracles to this day that easily surpass all understanding. Lord please help us to come to Your perfect presence with hearts that truly want to welcome You in and with spirits that genuinely trust that every word of prayer we speak to You, You have not missed even one. Lord with all of our hearts we profess to You today that we believe in You, we believe in Jesus as Your Son and as out Lord and Savior, and we trust wholeheartedly that our prayers will be answered by You in Your perfect ways and on Your perfect timeline. For we know that You know us better than we know ourselves and You alone know what’s best for us all throughout our lives. In Jesus’s most wonderful name we pray.  Amen!”
Have a great day today
I love you all
Love San 😀

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