Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Letters from God’s children

Proverbs 24:3 “By wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a splendid day today.
“Dear Leaders,
It’s time to return to consulting God first before making decisions for the people. Even in Biblical times the wise Kings knew to consult with the Prophets, who usually had a direct line to God, before they made decisions about how best to govern their kingdoms. Even the book of Proverbs teaches us about kings and leaders acting with God given wisdom and without God given wisdom (Proverbs 29:4 “By justice a king builds up the land, but he who exacts gifts tears it down.”) For entirely too long leaders have been governing and ruling over kingdoms and countries with selfish intentions seeking more and more to reveal and shine their own glory and never God’s glory. However, forgetting exactly Who we should all be giving the glory to can prove disastrous for any of us. Then, of course, those who are selling their souls to the devil to win their own glory, riches, and fame, have simply given up eternity in Heaven so that all they have is their finite existence in this world, why would they think past their noses let alone consider what is best for those who they rule over. Alas, leaders, there can be so much hope for our land when you all start returning to seeking God’s guidance first before you make decisions. Whether they are small decisions like allowing a business to set up shop in an area when that shop may bring negative impacts to an area, or big decisions such as leading nations into wars that never bring true victory to anyone, seeking God’s wisdom and guidance is the best way to lead communities, countries, and nations with wisdom and confidence that can only truly be found in God’s eternal Word. Seek God First, He will never steer you wrong. God knows we would all very much appreciate it.
God’s children”
Have an excellent day today
I love you all
Love San 😀

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