Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Letters from God’s children

Proverbs 12:22 “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a terrific day today
“Dear Leaders,
Try being honest. Please, don’t sugar coat the truths and stop spinning webs of deceitful narratives in order to sell an agenda that never really benefits us, but rather benefits the already rich and powerful. We are all quite on to your games and tactics by now anyway, so really, just be honest. We have spent our entire lives teaching our children that “Honesty is the best policy” and for the most part they have followed this lesson. We all have spent the majority of our lives earning an honest paycheck because we have put in a honest day of hard work. We are honest with our family, friends, and loved ones to let them see we are transparent and that we want to see honesty lead our homes, relationships, and families. We have no desire to build our homes, families, communities, and careers on lies and false information, we want to build our families, homes, and communities on a sure, strong and sturdy foundation and that foundation is God and His beloved son, Jesus. Leaders, as soon as the lie starts to take root and grow soon it seeds and it immediately becomes a nasty, festering disease that snowballs into gigantic messes and before the truth is ever revealed (which is usually 25 to 50 years later) by then too many innocent, honest, hard working people have lost their lives while you all, our elected leaders, sit back, feign shock, shed some camera worth tears, then shrug your shoulders and announce dishonestly, “We wish we could have done more.” It’s well beyond time for honesty to start running our countries again and for God to be consulted first before decisions are made “for the sake of the greater good” (we know that false line well also, ya’ll), which ultimately end up being kicked off with lies, then filled in and built up with more lies, then eventually someone uncovers the truth years later and the lies we were told was far from the truth only now it’s too late and those who trusted you enough to put you all into power have paid an entirely too high of a price. However, leaders, take note, those who paid the price, they leaned on God, consulted God’s wisdom, surrendered their lives to Jesus, and they lived honest, dedicated, hard working lives. Ya’ll could learn a lot from them.
God’s children”
Have an amazing day today
I love you all
Love San 😀

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