Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Letters from God’s children

Psalm 127:3 “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord…”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a magnificent day today.
“Dear Leaders,
We want our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren to have not just a chance, but a bright and hopeful future. The way things are moving along these days it feels like the “doomsday clock” is swiftly running out of time and we want to see that change. We want to see our children become parents and see them blessed with healthy, happy, well adjusted children. We want to see our children and grandchildren have true work/life/school balance. Longer maternity leave, like four to five months off with pay maternity leave so mom’s can truly bond with their new babies and so new moms can heal fully without the stress of bills and work. We want to see a better healthcare system in place for them. A healthcare system where everyone can get free health insurance or if they want to pay for health insurance they can, but all are able to see providers and dentists without hesitation or fear that they won’t be able to pay their bill. We want to see them inherit four day work week options with three day weekends so they have more time to decompress and be less stressed. We want to see year round school options with better schools that teach all year-round so children learn in logical time frames then take three to four week breaks and back to school to learn the next subject. At the end of middle school we want them to be able to take aptitude tests to help identify what career path they’d likely succeed at, then in high school they can start taking classes geared towards them following that career path no extra college tuitions needed all the way up to their master’s degree. We want to see them live in homes that are safe and secure with low crime and united neighbors. We absolutely rebuke the lies of drugs and alcohol in our children’s and grandchildren’s lives because we recognize that you would rather have a bunch of mindless zombies always all strung out walking around just following your agenda as opposed to well educated people who may challenge your narratives and potentially take over your seat. You all, as our elected leaders, have forgotten who you were called to serve- us, but we, as God’s children, have not forgotten Who we serve and Who will hear our prayers. We bring these desires of our hearts for all of our future generations to give you all the chance to hear the hearts of the people who elected you to your seats. It’s so important that you remember not only who you all were elected to serve, but Who we all are called to serve and we act, think, speak, and love as He would call us to, and creating a truly better world for our future generations should be at the top of our list.
God’s Children”
Have an excellent day today
I love you all
Love San 😀

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