Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Letters from God’s children

(Photo courtesy of Natalie Kroll)

James 4:17 “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a phenomenal day today.
“Dear Leaders,
We have ELECTED you to be in the offices that you hold as representatives of our families, homes, and communities. Therefore, we have a vision and a hope for our families, homes, and communities we would appreciate you all making a clear note of because it seems that too many of you have lost sight of exactly what elected officials are called to do, and clearly the promises you made to give us these so called “better communities” were lost as soon as you won your seat. We pay you all tax dollars from every paycheck we earn and we don’t seem to have much say so in where our tax dollars are going. Since we have no choice in this matter and taxing us seems that it will always be a reality, WE would like to let you know where we would love to see our tax dollars at work:

  1. Better, newer schools with far better pay for our teachers and more immersing and exciting learning environments for all children. Parents should not have to pay taxes then pay a yearly tuition for private school just so their children can have that better education. Every child deserves this.
  2. Clean streets, safe playgrounds, and well funded community recreation centers with meaningful and lasting positive activities to teach children important life skills. Investing in our children and our communities from day one will help reduce crime and poverty in the future and helps our children feel safe to be themselves.
  3. More affordable health insurance. No one should have to face having no health insurance, especially when they cannot afford it. Then ya’ll penalize them for not having what they can’t afford, that simply makes no sense.
  4. More state of the art advanced treatments for curing cancers, HIV, and other life threatening disease processes. With better research into natural healing remedies options as well.
  5. Community gardens. Learning to grow our own food is vital to our survival and growing our own food helps us want to try those nutritious foods we’ve grown. The lessons about healthy eating, playing ones part to see a successful process come together, and the difference our life choices can make can all come from planting the seeds in a garden and watching it grow.
  6. Send drugs packing. Yep! We know it’s big business and we know not just some drug dealers on the streets are behind this epidemic. Create better, stronger programs for drug rehabilitation. We’re tired of seeing entire families ruined because of these “big business” drugs.
  7. Let’s take care of our homeless population, for real. There are so many abandoned buildings just sitting there rotting. Invest our tax dollars into fixing up those properties or tearing down unsalvageable buildings to use the land to create tiny home communities for the homeless. No one should have to live on the streets when our tax dollars can help.
  8. Affordable home loans. Help these young people who are trying so hard to build a life and a home be able to afford to purchase a home by offering first time home buyer loans that help cover up to $100,000 of any home loan so they can qualify for nicer homes.
    These are just a few ideas of where we would truly like to see our tax dollars being spent. No more of this shipping our hard earned money out to wars that have nothing to do with us and which seemingly have no end, and no more funding the fabulous and flashy lifestyles of the elected officials who were elected to make positive changes to our communities and who were chosen by us to represent us, yet somehow they forgot this.
    God’s children”
    Have an incredible day today
    I love you all
    Love San 😀

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