Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Let us pray

(Photo courtesy of Bubba Ratcliff)

Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a fantastic day today.
We are never too old to live out our dreams. I’ve seen people who have decided to retire early, sell their big homes, purchase a tiny house and a two acre plot of land and just spend their days farming and growing plants. I’ve met a lady in her early 90’s who worked as a school teacher for thirty years, then she got her nursing degree at 60, worked as a nurse for 20 years, then after she retired from that she decided to become a piano lesson teacher. “You’re never too old,” she told me, “Just don’t give up.” We have a tendency to allow ourselves to believe that eventually we are stuck where we are and we may as well accept our fates, only God still has a closet filled with the gifts He has given us that we have not even opened the door to. Why haven’t we opened the door yet? Think of your dreams and your hopes, dust off the old list or sit down and make a new list, and ask God to help you rekindle the passion He put within your spirit to pursue your dreams, and watch how wonderfully God can work. Let us pray: “Dear Father, Please, don’t let us give up and please remind us that no matter our age we are not meant to be done living yet, not even a little bit. Please, Lord, respark our beating hearts to remind us of our passions, our hopes, and our dreams. Please give us the wisdom and the guidance and the courage to hear Your answers to us and to begin taking steps to follow our dreams. We have been carefully crafted by Your Loving hands to live our lives to the fullest and when we simply give up on our hopes and dreams choosing instead to accept defeat and to cover our shattered dreams with excuses we not only lose a bit of ourselves under that rubble, but we also miss the opportunity we are supposed to have to make a positive difference in someone else’s life as well. We are not weak, we are not quitters, and we are not making this journey alone. We are Your children, God, and we were thoughtfully and wonderfully created to live out our lives following our passions, hopes, and dreams, and being a beacon of Jesus’s love light to all who we meet all along our journey of living the life we love and following our dreams. Thank you God.
In Jesus’s most precious name we pray.
Have an excellent day today.
I love you all
Love San πŸ˜€
(Photo courtesy of Bubba Ratcliff)

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Let us pray

(Photo courtesy of Sherryl Seal)

James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a phenomenal day today.
If you ask me I am a firm believer that always, at all times, there are Spiritual battles taking place all around us as the enemy and the minions of the enemy try to pull us away from God in various ways. These attacks can take so many shapes within our own spirits causing us to feel lost, discombobulated, frustrated, depressed, and even angry. Even as we know in our heart of hearts this isn’t who we are still those evil spiritual attacks cause us to lose sight of ourselves and threaten to take us over. It is my opinion that we should always stay alert and aware watching for these spiritual attacks at all times. Prayer and scripture are our greatest weapons when we recognize these attacks are taking place. Also, keeping our faith in God and in Jesus and in knowing with complete certainty that God is going to win the battle will give us our greatest hope as we walk through these difficult seasons. As I write this I am thinking of so many scriptures I want to cite to remind us that even in Biblical times God’s people faced spiritual attacks. Today, I ask all of us to pray asking God to help us recognize these attacks as well as asking God to help us stay strong, steady, faithful, and hopeful as we face these attacks and we battle against these attacks with prayer and with scripture. Let us pray: “Dear Father God, You know when these attacks against our spirits are taking place and You know exactly how to help us when these attacks come and take us over. Lord, please help us to recognize these attacks as well. Please remind us that we are not helpless or powerless, we can call on You and in Jesus’s name we can rebuke these attacks and the enemy, with all of his attacks, has to leave. Lord, we thank You that You are winning the battle for our hearts and our spirits every moment of every day and we thank You that even as we may feel ripped far away from ourselves during these frustrating and trying spiritual attack times, we know that we can cling to You, to the cross, and to the truth in Your word and we know well that You can help us conquer these attacks in stunning and amazing ways. Thank You God. In Jesus’s most precious name we pray. Amen!”
Have an excellent day today
I love you all
Love San πŸ˜€

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Let us pray

Acts 20:35 “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, β€˜It is more blessed to give than to receive.'”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a wonderful day today.
Yesterday as I was checking my Instagram notifications I stopped to watch the previews of a movie that can be found on Angel Studio Productions called Sound of Freedom: The true story of Possum Trot. This movie tells the story of a town dedicated to fostering and adopting children from broken and abusive homes with the honest intent of giving those children warm, loving, safe homes and families to grow up in. Movies such as this movie as well as the original Sound of Freedom movie are hard hitting reminders for all of us that we are here to take care of each other, not just to look out for our own wants and needs. We are created specifically for this time and these places to be positive change makers and consistent hope givers to our families, friends, work places, and communities so that others can be encouraged and rescued from perishing in hopelessness. Today, I ask thar you all would please pray with me to ask God to help us be more aware and more mindful of how we can be that spark of light and that nudge of encouragement to those around us who may feel lost, overlooked, hidden, or forgotten. May the light and love of Jesus find them and rescue them from their circumstances. Let us pray: “Dear Father, we come before you today with thankful hearts. We are grateful for the many beautiful and wonderful ways you have blessed us in our lives. Father, today, we ask that You would please help to open our hearts and our eyes to see those around us who feel forgotten, overlooked, hidden, or lost in this world. Lord, all too often on a daily basis we get so sidetracked and so engrossed in our own lives that we miss seeing those people around us who truly need us the most. They are giving us quiet signs asking for help. They are pleading with us through their eyes asking us to see what is truly going on behind the scenes. They are silently sitting fearful and afraid behind locked doors, peeking through window shades, or walking in the shadows wishing they could scream for help yet too scared to raise their voices above a whisper. Lord, break our hearts please for what breaks Your heart and reveal to us exactly how You have called us and created us to help those who need us most. We are not timid or helpless people because we are Your children. Therefore, we will not sit by idle letting others around us live in hurt, pain, or despair. Help us to consult with You first and to act as You have called us and created us to so that everywhere we are we can be certain that we are sharing and spreading the love of Jesus to so many who need His hope so desperately in their lives. In Jesus’s most precious name we pray.
Good night you guys.
I love you all
Love San πŸ˜€

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Let us pray

(Photo courtesy of Bubba Ratcliff)

Romans 8:26 “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a terrific day today.
I don’t know how many of you all are just like me, but let me tell you I absolutely hold myself to an unreasonably high standard when it comes to my prayer time. First, I feel awful if I am not writing my prayers in my Prayer journal because then I fear I am not being thorough enough by just speaking my prayers. To my defense I do have a tendency to fall asleep while trying to say my prayers moreso than when I am writing my prayers. I’ve cut back on writing my prayers because my handwriting has grown quite atrocious these days. So then I wrestle with the “to write my prayers or not to write my prayers, that is the question” debate. Meanwhile, God never hesitates to remind me that He hears me either way I pray because it’s not about the format I choose to use when I’m coming to spend this time with Him, rather it’s about me allowing God to fully see my heart, soul, and spirit so He can fully hear me. Let us pray: “Heavenly Father, We thank You that You don’t hold us to the greatly high Prayer standards that we tend to hold ourselves to. You simply ask us to come and meet with You. You give us the wisdom to know that we should come before You with grateful hearts and that we should meet with You alone in a quiet room, but you don’t tell us that there are specific requirements to praying to you. You simply want us to come and sit quietly with You so that we can tell You honestly the things that are weighing our hearts down. So that we can reveal to You the worries, concerns, and fears that are conflicting our spirits, and so that we can share with You our praise and our gratefulness for the many awesome blessings You have blessed us with. Father God we thank You this morning for how You understand us and You know us far better than even we understand and know ourselves, and because of this You hear, see, and know our hearts so well so that even when we come to You and we don’t know exactly what we should pray, we can simply come to You at any time with any words we can gather up and You know exactly how to answer. Thank You God for simply requiring us to love You, to love Jesus, to seek You, and to believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, no perfectly spoken prayers needed, no specific kind of looks required, and no alterations needed to who we are, because You already know how to help us and You are already working on the hard things for us. In Jesus’s most precious name we pray. Amen!”
Have an incredible day today
I love you all
Love San πŸ˜€

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Let us pray

Mark 11:24 “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a marvelous day today
Prayer is our greatest weapon ya’ll. I wrapped up the letters to our leaders from God’s children last week because I felt I had captured a large amount of what we, as God’s children, wanted to passionately and strongly convey to our leaders. Today I wanted to remind us all the our greatest weapon to combat the silliness, the chaos, and the head scratching mystery of our government is prayer. We may feel unheard or we may feel as though we are sitting in the dark, or on our knees, rambling off all that is on our minds towards the wide expanse of the skies not sure if God is interested in what we are asking for, but I can assure you, God knows us, He hears us, and He wants what is truly best for us. We are not hopeless and we are not timid or weak people when we are known as God’s children. We fight our battles on our knees and we lift our hands up high to The One who made the Heavens and the Earth and all that exists in both. Why these limited human leaders feel confident that they can control narratives, people, and creations that only God’s hands created is beyond me, but what God won’t let them forget is that He is still in control. We were created to love, to care, to share, to lead others to Jesus, and to trust God along our journey no matter what the news reports say. Let us pray: “Dear Father, we love You with all of our hearts and we worship You with every breath that we take. We look to You and to Jesus first to lead us on the right paths, to show us Your perfect ways, to give us Your peace even amidst the constant chaos and clamor of this world. Please forgive us for the times we have forgotten just how big and how great You are, and please help us to realign our focus to see You as we should have all along- as greater than all that we face. Father God we thank You for all the many trials and tribulations You have brought us through so far and we thank You for the many great and wonderful blessings Your hands have blessed us with all throughout our lives. May the words we speak, the songs we sing, and the lives we live always bring praise and glory to You and to Jesus. In Jesus’s most loving and awesome name we pray. Amen!”
Let us pray June messages start today.
Have an amazing day today
I love you all
Love San πŸ˜€

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Letters from God’s children

(Photo courtesy of Makayla Stephens)

1 Corinthians 16:14 “Let all that you do be done in love.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a fantastic day today.
“Dear Leaders,
We would like to leave you all with these hard and fast facts. We are hard working, fierce loving, deeply caring, dedicated Christian men and women who love Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and who are committed to prayer and to service. We are God loving, God fearing men, women, and children who fight our battles on our knees and we do not take the blows and fall down easily. Instead, we pray, we regroup, we look to God for strength and for guidance, and we get up and go back at things again. You might think you all are “winning” by fulfilling certain politically driven policies and by shaking just the right hands to make just the right deals no matter the expense the people you were elected to serve may pay, but we know the true and eternal power of God and we know that ultimately, God wins. We want positive change. Real change that makes the lives of all individuals here in our country (as well as all lives around the world) truly better. We want to see children grow up in safe, loving, supportive environments with great schools and equal and exciting opportunities. We want the woke-ism agendas put into the very back of a large file cabinet drawer in exchange for the Declaration of Independence quote that kicked off our country which declared that “all men are created equal”. We agree, all individuals are created equal. In fact, the way we see it, all people were created equal and they are each a unique and beautiful creation formed by the perfect hands of God. We support our neighbors, our communities, our families, friends, and loved ones. We appreciate our Sunday morning sermons and our Sunday afternoon suppers followed by an evening spent on the porch sipping a cool drink. We are not ashamed of God, we are not afraid to share God’s word, we are not embarrassed to call ourselves Christians, nor are we unsure about Who the victory belongs to (spoiler alert, It’s God). Just because we are quiet does not mean we are lying down and just taking the blows you all are dishing out.
The time has come to fix what has all too long been broken by you all and those before you. Family matters, community matters, world peace matters and is attainable, every single life matters, and love conquers all. No more excuses, no more finger pointing and side taking. Let’s ALL get down to genuine hard work creating solutions and policies that benefit ALL people not just a few.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The Preamble to the Declarations of Independence.
God’s children”
Have an incredible day today
I love you all
Love San πŸ˜€

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Letters from God’s children

1 Timothy 5:1 “Do not rebuke an older person but encourage them…”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a tremendously blessed day today.
“Dear Leaders,
It’s well past time to set things right starting with focusing on family and community well-being. Americans are so stressed out that we are dying younger and younger from easily preventable health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and substance addictions. This simply shouldn’t be the case. Our lives matter and the state of our health, physically, mentally, and emotionally matters. We are working ourselves into an early grave to try to give our families and loved ones a better life while the entire time we scraped and saved you all robbed us blind by way of taxes and Medicare, both of which likely never benefits us, because we still have to pay a monthly premium to have part B of our Medicare coverage even though we’ve paid into it all of our working lives. Then there are those of us who are blessed to grow old. They age and they start to see some health problems arise or they start to face their minds slipping, and with a quickness people want to yank them from their homes they’ve know for years, shove them into over crowded and under staffed assisted living facilities and say it’s for their own good while all that they worked so hard to build and save and enjoy all of their lives is sold off at estate sales to pay for the assisted living facility they don’t even want to be in, they’d rather be at home surrounded by their families in the peace and comfort of the homes they know. Yet still there are few programs that help thoroughly screened, well qualified family members stay in their elders homes to care for them 24/7 paying those family members the same money their senior relatives would have to pay assisted living facilities. There are no better options being offered up to really consider what our parents and grandparents truly would like to have happen to them as they age. Would they prefer a facility? Would they rather be home and age in place? Would they like to choose a family member or two, possibly three or four, who they trust to care for them and pay them the money that a facility would get. This way the family member(s) could care for them full time without financial stress. Come on, ya’ll, we can do better. Get together with the right people who have done the proper research and let’s make better options and choices for all of our citizens focusing on the health and well-being of each person. Truly working together to create these better homes, families, and communities can 1000% change our countries, nations, and out world for the better, especially when we venter all of these on God and on Jesus.
God’s children”
Have an excellent day today
I love you all
Love San πŸ˜€

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Letters from God’s children

Proverbs 24:3 “By wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a splendid day today.
“Dear Leaders,
It’s time to return to consulting God first before making decisions for the people. Even in Biblical times the wise Kings knew to consult with the Prophets, who usually had a direct line to God, before they made decisions about how best to govern their kingdoms. Even the book of Proverbs teaches us about kings and leaders acting with God given wisdom and without God given wisdom (Proverbs 29:4 “By justice a king builds up the land, but he who exacts gifts tears it down.”) For entirely too long leaders have been governing and ruling over kingdoms and countries with selfish intentions seeking more and more to reveal and shine their own glory and never God’s glory. However, forgetting exactly Who we should all be giving the glory to can prove disastrous for any of us. Then, of course, those who are selling their souls to the devil to win their own glory, riches, and fame, have simply given up eternity in Heaven so that all they have is their finite existence in this world, why would they think past their noses let alone consider what is best for those who they rule over. Alas, leaders, there can be so much hope for our land when you all start returning to seeking God’s guidance first before you make decisions. Whether they are small decisions like allowing a business to set up shop in an area when that shop may bring negative impacts to an area, or big decisions such as leading nations into wars that never bring true victory to anyone, seeking God’s wisdom and guidance is the best way to lead communities, countries, and nations with wisdom and confidence that can only truly be found in God’s eternal Word. Seek God First, He will never steer you wrong. God knows we would all very much appreciate it.
God’s children”
Have an excellent day today
I love you all
Love San πŸ˜€

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Letters from God’s children

Proverbs 12:22 “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a terrific day today
“Dear Leaders,
Try being honest. Please, don’t sugar coat the truths and stop spinning webs of deceitful narratives in order to sell an agenda that never really benefits us, but rather benefits the already rich and powerful. We are all quite on to your games and tactics by now anyway, so really, just be honest. We have spent our entire lives teaching our children that “Honesty is the best policy” and for the most part they have followed this lesson. We all have spent the majority of our lives earning an honest paycheck because we have put in a honest day of hard work. We are honest with our family, friends, and loved ones to let them see we are transparent and that we want to see honesty lead our homes, relationships, and families. We have no desire to build our homes, families, communities, and careers on lies and false information, we want to build our families, homes, and communities on a sure, strong and sturdy foundation and that foundation is God and His beloved son, Jesus. Leaders, as soon as the lie starts to take root and grow soon it seeds and it immediately becomes a nasty, festering disease that snowballs into gigantic messes and before the truth is ever revealed (which is usually 25 to 50 years later) by then too many innocent, honest, hard working people have lost their lives while you all, our elected leaders, sit back, feign shock, shed some camera worth tears, then shrug your shoulders and announce dishonestly, “We wish we could have done more.” It’s well beyond time for honesty to start running our countries again and for God to be consulted first before decisions are made “for the sake of the greater good” (we know that false line well also, ya’ll), which ultimately end up being kicked off with lies, then filled in and built up with more lies, then eventually someone uncovers the truth years later and the lies we were told was far from the truth only now it’s too late and those who trusted you enough to put you all into power have paid an entirely too high of a price. However, leaders, take note, those who paid the price, they leaned on God, consulted God’s wisdom, surrendered their lives to Jesus, and they lived honest, dedicated, hard working lives. Ya’ll could learn a lot from them.
God’s children”
Have an amazing day today
I love you all
Love San πŸ˜€

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Letters from God’s children

Psalm 127:3 “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord…”
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a magnificent day today.
“Dear Leaders,
We want our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren to have not just a chance, but a bright and hopeful future. The way things are moving along these days it feels like the “doomsday clock” is swiftly running out of time and we want to see that change. We want to see our children become parents and see them blessed with healthy, happy, well adjusted children. We want to see our children and grandchildren have true work/life/school balance. Longer maternity leave, like four to five months off with pay maternity leave so mom’s can truly bond with their new babies and so new moms can heal fully without the stress of bills and work. We want to see a better healthcare system in place for them. A healthcare system where everyone can get free health insurance or if they want to pay for health insurance they can, but all are able to see providers and dentists without hesitation or fear that they won’t be able to pay their bill. We want to see them inherit four day work week options with three day weekends so they have more time to decompress and be less stressed. We want to see year round school options with better schools that teach all year-round so children learn in logical time frames then take three to four week breaks and back to school to learn the next subject. At the end of middle school we want them to be able to take aptitude tests to help identify what career path they’d likely succeed at, then in high school they can start taking classes geared towards them following that career path no extra college tuitions needed all the way up to their master’s degree. We want to see them live in homes that are safe and secure with low crime and united neighbors. We absolutely rebuke the lies of drugs and alcohol in our children’s and grandchildren’s lives because we recognize that you would rather have a bunch of mindless zombies always all strung out walking around just following your agenda as opposed to well educated people who may challenge your narratives and potentially take over your seat. You all, as our elected leaders, have forgotten who you were called to serve- us, but we, as God’s children, have not forgotten Who we serve and Who will hear our prayers. We bring these desires of our hearts for all of our future generations to give you all the chance to hear the hearts of the people who elected you to your seats. It’s so important that you remember not only who you all were elected to serve, but Who we all are called to serve and we act, think, speak, and love as He would call us to, and creating a truly better world for our future generations should be at the top of our list.
God’s Children”
Have an excellent day today
I love you all
Love San πŸ˜€