Good morning ya’ll ministry messages: Freestyle Inspiration

Psalm 31:15 “My times are in your hand…”
Ecclesiastes 3:11 “He has made everything beautiful in its time.”
“I dwell in possibility!”- Emily Dickinson
Good morning ya’ll
I pray that you have a spectacular day today
Take a glance around you or close your eyes to envision the most beautiful and breathtaking places in this world you have ever seen. From the perfect simple beauty of a sunrise to the intricate details found within the human body, the awesome presence of God’s fingerprints are always all around us. These wonderful details include the blessings and gifts of our own lives. Every day we are witnesses to the perfect design and orchestration of God’s hands yet still when obstacles are presented to us or when we come to face times of trouble we are quick to come before God and ask Him, “Are you sure this is how things are supposed to go?” I know I am the first to raise my hand to admit that I do this. Always thinking that I might just have this “life thing” figured out then when things turn sideways or upside down I find myself asking God that very question even as I have seen how beautifully God has worked all the things, good and bad, out for my good in the past. I dear patient brought this mindset to my attention the other day and I felt like it would make an excellent message for us all. We know God and we know Jesus, we know well the great works of God’s hands in this world and in our lives, therefore seeing and knowing these amazing truths we can take comfort in times of trouble, and when obstacles arise, in knowing that we don’t need to ask God if this was a mistake on His part. God knows exactly what He is doing and God knows precisely how He intends to still work all these things out for our good. It is up to us to have faith in Him and to keep trusting and believing in His awesome plan for us. I promise you His plan is always the most beautiful plan we can imagine.  Thanks be to God.
Have a terrific day today
I love you all
Love San 😀

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