Good morning ya’ll ministry messages

It (love) is not self-seeking…”
Good morning ya’ll.
I pray that you have a great day today.
Can I tell you, God wastes little time speaking to me in many situations I face.
The other day I was loopy enough to talk myself into going to Walmart to shop for a few items. Walmart is simply one of those places, I have found, where I can easily see the “me-me’s”. What are the “me-me’s” you ask? They are the people who rush past me and rush past others to ensure that they get exactly what they need never mind who they need to push past or who they need to knock over. I am the first to admit,  I used to be a “me-me”, sometimes I can still be,  but again, like I said in the beginning, God is usually pretty quick to speak to me, especially if I am not acting or thinking right. Rushing around with a one track mind, solely focused on our to-do lists while never paying attention to the other people who are around us can so easily leave us missing the chance for us to make a positive impact on someone else’s day.  We never know who might be having a bad day, a bad week, a bad month or even a bad year and when we decide to slow down and pay attention instead of keeping our heads down and rushing through our days, we might be surprised to see how one small act of kindness from us, could make a tremendously positive impact on someone else’s life. Imagine if we could see all the things that someone has faced floating all around them everywhere we went.  The older lady in front of us in the fast food line’s floating words tell us that she recently buried her husband and her beloved mother within one month of each other. The floating words around the young bagger tells us that he has grown up in a home with an abusive alcoholic father and a timid and frightened mother. The floating words around our boss tells us that he and his wife suffered several devastating miscarriages resulting in them never having children at all. Imagine how much more willing we might be to let others go in front of us in line at the grocery store or we might be less frustrated if they take just a little too long ordering their food in the fast food line.
“Love is not self seeking…” even though we can’t see the words of someone’s history telling us immediately what they have faced, let’s treat others as if we could always knowing that even the tiniest of kind actions could lead to the greatest of memorable blessings.
Have a wonderful day today
Love San 🙂

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