Good morning ya’ll ministry messages

(Photo courtesy of Choosak Wonggaew)

Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a safe and blessed day today.
Child, Fasting is not about what you are taking away from yourself, rather it is about what you are adding to your spirit as you choose to replace the missing with My word, My truth, My presence. It is about replacing what you view as good with My greatest. Fasting helps to break barriers where all too often worldly things are speaking too loudly in your mind and heart keeping you from hearing Me clearly. Removing some of the daily distractions can help thin out the barriers so that you can hear Me more clearly. Child, when you choose to enter into fasting, choose to enter that time with much prayer and consideration and with peace in your heart, and know that when your heart and mind are set on My many other blessings and gifts and less on the foods you feel you will be missing you will find that the food isn’t quite as missed as you thought it would be. And the gifts and blessings which you will gain from Me during that time are the gifts which will truly last you more than “a moment on the lips!
“I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; I used no lotion at all, unilt the 3 keeps were over.” Daniel 10:3
Have a phenomenal day today
Love San 😁

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