Good morning ya’ll ministry messages

Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a phenomenal day today.
Child, Just as you so love your own children and you want the very best in life for them, I too love all of My children and I want the very best for them as well. Sometimes crafting the very best for them can mean that I don’t answer the prayers they send My way. Sometimes I don’t give them the very things that they ask Me for because I know what is truly best for them and it’s not at all what they think they should have. Sometimes I have to tell them “no” in order to keep them safe and in order to put their focus back on the right path. It hurts My heart just as it hurts your heart as a parent, when My children get frustrated, aggravated, or even mad at Me because I have not given them what they have asked for, and in those times when My children are upset with Me I try to look ahead at the plan I still have in place for them, smile and know that soon enough their immense joy will easily overshadow their momentary displeasure with My “no’s” to their requests.
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12
Have a fantastic day today
Love San 😁

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages

(Photo courtesy of Stephen Crook)
Good morning ya’ll. I pray that your day is beautiful and filled with joy.
Child, Age isn’t always the primary reason people change. Choice is a huge factor in measuring one’s maturity. Everyone faces seasons in their lives. Some of those seasons bring harvests of abundant blessings while other seasons bring hurt, heartache, sadness, and pain. As you grow closer in your walk with Me, as you know Jesus more deeply, as you let My Holy Spirit into your heart and you come to understand My word better, you can see that choosing to hold on to anger, choosing to embrace bitterness, choosing to be led by hatred will only breed more of the same. You know this because you were witness to this more than once in your life. It is far easier to hold grudges and react from anger, but it is with love, wisdom and peace that you will find that more joy, peace, love, hope, and goodness is grown from choosing to react in your seasons with love, with hope and with peace. Choice makes a big difference in where you can go in your life. Choose to grow from love, choose to react with peace, and choose to live daily seeking My wisdom first, and where your path will lead you will most certainly be so much brighter and filled with hope than a path created from hate, anger, and bitterness. Always!
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.” Galatians 5:22
Have a marvelous day today.
Love San 🤗

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages

(Photo courtesy of Choosak Wonggaew)

Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a safe and blessed day today.
Child, Fasting is not about what you are taking away from yourself, rather it is about what you are adding to your spirit as you choose to replace the missing with My word, My truth, My presence. It is about replacing what you view as good with My greatest. Fasting helps to break barriers where all too often worldly things are speaking too loudly in your mind and heart keeping you from hearing Me clearly. Removing some of the daily distractions can help thin out the barriers so that you can hear Me more clearly. Child, when you choose to enter into fasting, choose to enter that time with much prayer and consideration and with peace in your heart, and know that when your heart and mind are set on My many other blessings and gifts and less on the foods you feel you will be missing you will find that the food isn’t quite as missed as you thought it would be. And the gifts and blessings which you will gain from Me during that time are the gifts which will truly last you more than “a moment on the lips!
“I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; I used no lotion at all, unilt the 3 keeps were over.” Daniel 10:3
Have a phenomenal day today
Love San 😁

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages

(Photo courtesy of Bubba Ratcliff)

Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a marvelous day today.
Child, Imagine having every earthly thing that you ever wanted and that you ever hoped to have and still not knowing peace or joy. This is a reality all over the world because so many seek their happiness and fulfillment in earthly things and not in the things of My making and My Kingdom.  I created My children and I sent them to earth to do My good works yet unfortunately I can not make them seek after Me first. That is their choice and sadly all too many seek fulfillment in earthly things rather than in Me, in My word or in My Son. Child, continue to seek Me and My Kingdom first and seek to help lead others to find Me so that they can know true peace, true happiness and true joy without having to seek out earthly things to bow down to and to worship. For I tell you surely these earthly things can no longer be held, and these earthly things will one day turn to dust. For they were not made to last unlike My word, My truth, My love and My son. These gifts from My hands were made to withstand all the tests of time. Always!
“Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all the other things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33
Have a great day today
Love San 😁

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages

Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a fantastic day today.
Child, Let My victory begin in your life today. Right now! You do not have to be at the top of the mountain to celebrate the victory I provide to you which begins with each new day that you wake up to. At this very moment, where you are, in the chaos or in the peace or in deafening silence, breathe in deeply and truly see and feel that right here and right now My victory has already begun. If you wait to celebrate, wait to claim your victory until you feel you have reached the top of your mountains then truth be told you will likely never fully celebrate a day in your life. That is because I never wrote your story for you to conquer every battle and overcome them all at once. Your victories take place one at a time, building on one another. Think about it, if I simply led you to the top of all of your mountains at one time and you claimed your victory and celebrated then, as time goes by you could easily forget who put you on top of the mountain, you would begin to feel that you no longer need Me and you would turn away from Me much like the 9 of the 10 blind men that Jesus healed. Only one of them turned back to thank Him. Child, choose to celebrate every day. Choose to begin claiming My victory right here and now, and choose to trust that every obstacle and every mountain you will conquer, you will overcome by My great hands, and it all begins by choosing to fully rely on and trust in Me. Always!
“Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.” Isaiah 26:4
Have a spectacular day today
Love San 😁

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages

Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a fantastic day today.
Child, One voice, it may seem, can’t make a difference,  but you’d be surprised how one voice backed by My power and truth, can bring thousands back to living in My love, light, and peace.  Child, let your one voice be heard more and more every day, speaking My truth, My wisdom, My love and My peace, (and I promise you My voice shall echo back to meet many more people than you could ever have imagined, even finding it’s way back to you).
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9
Have a wonderful day today
Love San 😁

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages

(Photo courtesy of Hayden Forman)

Good morning ya’ll. I hope that you have a terrific day today.
Child, What seems impossible? What looks and seems impossible is what the enemy makes you believe that you aren’t capable of, making you forget that My hands created you and My hands are the reason you have accomplished all that you have accomplished to this day. My hands brought you here and My hands will see you through to the end, and what seems impossible, when placed in My hands, is suddenly quite possible, and in fact already completed and successfully completed in My story for you.  So again I ask you, “what seems impossible?” Whatever it is hand it over to Me and let Me use My limitless hands to make the impossible part of your victorious success story.
“Nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37
Have a wonderful day today.
Love San 🤗

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages

Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a great day today.
Child, It is good to invite others and to love them with true love, but watch for the wolf in sheeps clothing. They are everywhere and they seek to deceive, cheat, and devour the true love offerings (of My children). Child, your heart was created to know good, to share good and to chase after good. To see happy endings and to believe for the happy endings for everyone. Child, know that your heart, like all of My children’s  hearts, was created to seek good, it’s just that some people’s hearts become corrupted and they do not let Me back in to fix them. Let your heart help and love who you can as My Son taught, but remember if they do not receive your news of good cheer and good tidings but rebuke them, shake off your feet and move on knowing that you did everything you could to share My love and I will continue to lead you forward always!
“And if anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off of your feet.” Matthew 10:14
Have a spectacular day today
Love San 😁

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages

Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a fantastic day today.
Child, Life is filled with choices. Both good choices and bad choices exists and it is up to you to make these choices. That is not to say that I won’t help you make these choices, of course l will, but I have also given you free will meaning you can choose to make these choices, good or bad, with or without My help. It is your choice whether you decide to look to Me in prayer to help you make these choices so that you choose wisely or whether you just make the choices, never looking to Me to know if these choices are right for you or not. This is how mistakes are made. This is how bad decisions are made. This is how sometimes you end up having to back out of something you feel bad about backing out of because you didn’t ask Me first before just diving in. Child, it may seem tedious or childish at first to think of stopping to ask My permission, but I can promise you that when you choose to look to Me first and ask for My wisdom before making any choices, then you will find that the choices which you are making are the ones which I have approved and the ones which will bring you the most peace in your life always.

“If any of you lacks wisdom you should ask God, who gives generously without finding fault.” James 1:5
Have a magnificent day today
Love San 😁

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages

Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a tremendously blessed day today.
Child, From the day that you were born you knew instinctively that I was your first true love and that your heart belonged to Me, and then life happened and the things of this world sought to intice you away from Me. Even though your heart would tug at you to try to remind you that it’s home, your home, was with Me, you all too often ignored that tugging and turned away from Me more. Then finally your heart tugged one more time and in that one more time suddenly you knew the truth-that your heart has always belonged to Me and to know true peace you only needed to come home to Me, but getting home to Me wouldn’t be so easy. For the things of the world and the ways of the world would continue to try to intice you from Me. It took strength, it took persistence, it took precious arms stretched out on an old, rugged cross to break the strongholds of this world and bring you home to Me, but to have you, My precious child, home with Me, back where you belong, makes it all worthwhile.
“I will give them a heart to know Me…for they will return to Me with their whole heart.” Jeremiah 24:7
Have a fantastic day.
Love San 😀