Good morning ya’ll ministry messages


“The Lord is my rock…” Psalm 18:2
Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a great day today. “A Place Beneath the Willow Tree” When I was a young girl I can recall the willow tree in front of my aunt’s house, where we grew up. Nothing seemed quite so peaceful to me as watching the gentle swaying of its branches, especially during a summer storm. Seeing a willow tree now instantly transports me back to my childhood and to simpler days. Days filled with laughter, with endless summer days ending with firefly catching and counting stars in the sky. A time when all of the familiar childhood bible stories we were taught in Sunday school were taken at face value, no doubts and no questions asked….Now that the home I live in has a great big willow tree in the front yard I can once more see the beautiful and welcoming branches and how they gently sway in the wind inviting me to come and sit beneath it and let the peace of God wash over me. Everyone needs a place beneath the willow tree to remind them that it’s still simple-God is real, God is alive, God loves us far more than we could ever imagine, nothing is impossible with God, God gave His only Son for us because He loves us so, and love truly does not fail. Take a seat beneath the willow tree. Take a few deep breaths, and let God remind you what really matters most and that the simple truths of His mysterious ways are clearest to the children within us all.
Have a spectacular day today
Love San 😁

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