Good morning ya’ll ministry messages


“It is impossible to please God without faith.” Hebrews 11:6
Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a fantastic day today. There are times in our lives when we have to take leaps of faith. Sometimes those leaps are planned and well thought out, other times those leaps come because someone or something ripped the rug right out from under our feet. Whichever way our leaps of faith come about it is during these times that we learn that faith comes by trusting in the unseen even when we simply cannot see. Growing in our Christian walk includes walking our paths sometimes with our eyes closed, enveloped by darkness while listening intently to our Father’s words to guide us. It is said that when one of our senses is taken away often times our other senses are sharpened. If we look at walking our paths blind to see what is to come it is then that we find that our hearing is more tuned and focused on hearing God’s word, our sense of touch can feel the leading of the Holy Spirit and our hunger and thirst for Jesus is intensified. Whether we were planning to take the leap of faith or not, may we find hope, strength, peace and courage knowing that with each step we take forward in faith we please our Abba God so much more.
Have an absolutely beautiful day today.
Love San 😊

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