Good morning ya’ll ministry messages


“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people…” Galatians 6:10
Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a tremendously blessed day today. Looking at the picture above what time of year would you say this is? Most people would safely say, “it’s wintertime”, but surprisingly they would be wrong. This photo was taken just 2 days before my birthday, on April 8th. It was spring yet there was a pretty persistent snowstorm falling outside. Sometimes our own minds can get in the way of where God want to take us also causing us to feel a little deceived by our drive to want to fulfill desires and pleasures of our own instead of living for and serving others. I am amazed sometimes when watching the shows about police officers and the criminals they apprehend, at how many people are simply out there living for themselves and not even aware that eternity is a real time and Heaven is s real destination. So many people are simply convinced that it’s only all about this one life here on earth and this one time while we are living, and they have no idea or no desire to even consider the hereafter. We know though. We walk confident in knowing that our God has a great plan in store for us. One which will lead us to an eternity in Heaven with Him and with Jesus. Don’t be deceived, this life is not our own. It never has been. This life is a gift and daily we can choose to love others, cherish others, and serve others in Jesus name. Every day we can choose to live our lives well so that one day we can know peace and love like no other in Heaven with Jesus.
Have a magnificent day today.
Love San šŸ˜Š

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