Good morning ya’ll ministry messages


“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8
Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a fantastic day today. Yesterday I listened as two ladies at my new job described how to some people the use of the words, “ma’am” and “sir” can be seen as “offensive” and how our country is the only country that uses these terms of respect when addressing people. Being raised in the south I suppose that using these terms were kind of simply a common place part of my upbringing which I still use to this day. I feel as though I am being disrespectful not using these terms. Debates such as these can often lead some Christians scratching their heads and wondering, “just who should I be then?” The simple answer, “be who God created you to be.” The leading of the Holy Spirit inside of you will nudge you and nag you to let you know when an action, a word or a choice might not be right for you, and following this guidance can help us to know whether we are to stay or go and whether we are to step up or step out. Notice how in the scripture it doesn’t say that Jesus constantly changed to fit what society wanted or to keep from offending someone. Jesus was and is and always will be the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and forever. If God created His own Son to be true to who God made Him to be, shouldn’t we trust that when we live as God created us to live that we can then live our best life ever in God’s great victory?!
Have an awesome day today
Love San šŸ˜

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