Good morning ya’ll ministry messages


“It is impossible to please God without faith.” Hebrews 11:6
Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a fantastic day today. There are times in our lives when we have to take leaps of faith. Sometimes those leaps are planned and well thought out, other times those leaps come because someone or something ripped the rug right out from under our feet. Whichever way our leaps of faith come about it is during these times that we learn that faith comes by trusting in the unseen even when we simply cannot see. Growing in our Christian walk includes walking our paths sometimes with our eyes closed, enveloped by darkness while listening intently to our Father’s words to guide us. It is said that when one of our senses is taken away often times our other senses are sharpened. If we look at walking our paths blind to see what is to come it is then that we find that our hearing is more tuned and focused on hearing God’s word, our sense of touch can feel the leading of the Holy Spirit and our hunger and thirst for Jesus is intensified. Whether we were planning to take the leap of faith or not, may we find hope, strength, peace and courage knowing that with each step we take forward in faith we please our Abba God so much more.
Have an absolutely beautiful day today.
Love San 😊

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages


“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people…” Galatians 6:10
Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a tremendously blessed day today. Looking at the picture above what time of year would you say this is? Most people would safely say, “it’s wintertime”, but surprisingly they would be wrong. This photo was taken just 2 days before my birthday, on April 8th. It was spring yet there was a pretty persistent snowstorm falling outside. Sometimes our own minds can get in the way of where God want to take us also causing us to feel a little deceived by our drive to want to fulfill desires and pleasures of our own instead of living for and serving others. I am amazed sometimes when watching the shows about police officers and the criminals they apprehend, at how many people are simply out there living for themselves and not even aware that eternity is a real time and Heaven is s real destination. So many people are simply convinced that it’s only all about this one life here on earth and this one time while we are living, and they have no idea or no desire to even consider the hereafter. We know though. We walk confident in knowing that our God has a great plan in store for us. One which will lead us to an eternity in Heaven with Him and with Jesus. Don’t be deceived, this life is not our own. It never has been. This life is a gift and daily we can choose to love others, cherish others, and serve others in Jesus name. Every day we can choose to live our lives well so that one day we can know peace and love like no other in Heaven with Jesus.
Have a magnificent day today.
Love San 😊

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages


(Photo courtesy of Bubba Ratcliff)

“Tell her to help me!” Luke 10:40
Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a wonderful day today. Have you ever made demands of people? Have you ever stood with your hands planted firmly on your hips and insisted that someone help you or that someone get it right? How did you feel once you had gotten the results you were demanding? Did you feel good? Did you feel victorious? Did you feel wiser than the person you made the demands of? Martha was demanding that Jesus make her sister get up and help her prepare the meals and straighten up the house. Jesus could have easily obliged and thrown His hands on His hips and said, “Mary, your sister is right. You should get in there and help her!” Instead Jesus gave Martha a calm and gentle answer, “Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42. Martha must have felt both deflated and shocked when she received this response. Wouldn’t we all be if we made demands of someone and instead of getting ugly or obnoxious responses back we got a gentle response reminding us to simply slow down, be grateful for our blessings and not to be so hurried and rushed through our lives? Yesterday we vowed to take time to listen, really listen to those around us and see what more we can hear and learn. Today, let’s add to this. Lets vow to slow down, enjoy the views on our drive to work, sleep just a bit longer, cherish the hugs from our children a bit more and linger just a little longer on the phone talking to the ones we love. Life was given to us as a gift from our wonderful Father in Heaven, let’s not rush our way through it. Instead let’s choose to cherish and embrace our lives every moment of every day. Thanks be to God.
Have a stupendous day today.
Love San 🤗

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages


(Photo courtesy of Choosak Wonggaew)
“Whoever has ears, let them hear…” Matthew 11:15
Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have an amazing day today. I have discovered over the past few years that God gave me a gift for listening. I love to hear the stories that people tell me. Sometimes I get to respond back with uplifting and encouraging words, sometimes all those speaking to me need me to do is nod my head and listen because they simply needed to get those things which they are telling me off their chest. Either way I have come to consider it an absolute blessing to be able to hear each and every person’s story and often times saying a prayer or two for them after they have shared their stories with me. Listening can gain all of us far more wisdom than speaking our own opinions ever could. If we just choose to listen with a focused heart, we can hear beyond what is being said to hear even the unspoken words. Whether your path in life right now has you clinging to the cross or standing on the rock, choose to spend your time the remainder of this week listening with a focused heart. Don’t listen with the intent to respond, but rather listen with the hopes of hearing even more than you ever expected to and with faith that the wisdom which you gain will draw you even closer to God as you walk along your path.
Have a spectacular day today.
Love San 😉

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages


(Photo courtesy of Bubba Ratcliff)
“For You created my inmost being…” Psalm 139:13
Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a marvelous day today. Yesterday as I drove to church I spent time dwelling on my new job and the extra time I find myself with now that I do not have to work from sun up to sun down. As I drove deep in thought I felt God telling me to get back to basics. Get back to His callings for me. Get back to using the gifts and talents that He gave to me to do those things that He created me to do. Then, when I got to church, the big topic of the sermon reminded us all to not only hear and receive the word of God, but to also be doers of the word. To live out our lives focused on what God has instructed us to do for His glory. My mind flooded suddenly with ideas for new messages in the coming months and with other talents and gifts God had already planted within me, but that I had pushed aside due to work. How is God trying to speak to you to remind you to get back to basics. To remind you to throw aside what doesn’t matter so that you can focus on what truly matters? If you aren’t sure, just ask God and He will answer you. He will show you. Getting back to the plan, the path that God originally pointed you in the direction of feels wonderful and freeing, because then we are reminded of what’s most important and we are reminded that just when we began to think that God had forgotten about us, He reassures us that He never forgot us, He was simply patiently waiting for us to return to Him for His wisdom.
Have a magnificent day today.
Love San 😄

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages


“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8
Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a fantastic day today. Yesterday I listened as two ladies at my new job described how to some people the use of the words, “ma’am” and “sir” can be seen as “offensive” and how our country is the only country that uses these terms of respect when addressing people. Being raised in the south I suppose that using these terms were kind of simply a common place part of my upbringing which I still use to this day. I feel as though I am being disrespectful not using these terms. Debates such as these can often lead some Christians scratching their heads and wondering, “just who should I be then?” The simple answer, “be who God created you to be.” The leading of the Holy Spirit inside of you will nudge you and nag you to let you know when an action, a word or a choice might not be right for you, and following this guidance can help us to know whether we are to stay or go and whether we are to step up or step out. Notice how in the scripture it doesn’t say that Jesus constantly changed to fit what society wanted or to keep from offending someone. Jesus was and is and always will be the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and forever. If God created His own Son to be true to who God made Him to be, shouldn’t we trust that when we live as God created us to live that we can then live our best life ever in God’s great victory?!
Have an awesome day today
Love San 😁

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages


“Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow…” Matthew 6:34
Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have an amazing day today. Have you ever said a prayer for someone or something a few times or maybe just twice or even just one time you prayed for something or someone then you left it completely in God’s hands. Like letting go of the ribbon tied to a helium filled balloon you let that prayer go simply confident that God hears your prayer and He will answer it. Then a little time goes by and you find yourself standing right in front of that very prayer answered by God. This has happened to me on more than one occasion and I can tell you that seeing these beautifully answered prayers is such an awesome reminder that God really does “answer knee mail.” This may be the most cheesy yet well known Christian meme, but it’s so true. If you find yourself wondering if God heard you when you prayed that one time or when you asked Him for that one thing or if you wonder if He has heard you at all. Just stop and think about all of the answered prayers you have found yourself standing face to face with, and be reassured-Yes, God is listening to you and to all those who are praying for you, some you don’t even realize are praying for you, and trust that one day you are going to be the beautifully answered prayer that someone else will come face to face with to remind them that God never, ever stops listening.
Have a magnificent day today
Love San 😄

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages


“Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:2. Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a phenomenal day today. Sometimes the world and the things created by the world can become far more appealing than chasing after God. I get it completely. Afterall there are bills to be paid, errands to run, children to tend to and jobs to do, and anything that can ease our busy, hectic lives can often times draw our attention much quicker than the idea of attending a weekly bible study or spending quite time alone reading the bible or going to church on Sunday morning. Still, this scripture reminds us that if we want to stand firmly on our Father God, our rock, we can begin our climb onto the rock by setting our minds on the things of God and of Heaven more so than on earthly things. When we can begin to make a habit of setting time aside to spend in God’s perfect presence whether in our rooms in quiet prayer or while taking a walk and listening to a sermon on our phones, we then can be provided the gift of peace for a moment. The blessing of knowing that in that time with God our every word spoken is heard, our cares, worries and fears are no longer ours but His, and our minds can rest and find restoration in hearing that God is fighting our battles for us and winning even long before we asked Him to help us. When we set our minds on the things above we can know that we will find peace, hope, joy and victory in our thinking which will spill over into our lives and into our words and interactions with others. The same goes with the things of this world. When we set our minds on the negative, the worries, the past failures or the fears this also can spill over into how we live, think, and influence others. Let’s choose to set our minds on the awesome, powerful and victorious Kingdom above so that when others see us they see our hope, joy and peace, and may our mind set be contagious.
Have a great day today
Love San 😊

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages


“Still other seeds fell on good soil where it produced a crop…” Matthew 13:8
Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a terrific day today. In this parable which Jesus tells to His disciples, we learn how we can be like the different kinds of seeds through different seasons in our lives. What I recently took notice of (thank you God) was how even the good seed which fell on the good soil to produce an abundant crop, had start small as a seed, had to be nurtured and supported as it grew and it had to push through the dirt in order to create the harvest. The same goes for us. Sometimes life can leave us feeling just as tiny and as insignificant as the seed before it is placed in the ground. But remember, just as the seed takes root and grows thanks to the support and nurturing care of the sower, so to can we be rooted in our God, nurtured by His loving embrace and fed by His wisdom never ending, as we push through our own dirt to multiply, just like the seeds, to produce an abundant harvest which can feed many. And just as the one tiny seed planted, nurtured, broken through the dirt and producing the harvest which feeds many we are also, like the harvest, producing new seeds in our abundant harvest which will also one day themselves be planted, take root, be nurtured and break through their own dirt to produce an even greater harvest. Just as one tiny seed may seem small in insignificant to some, we know that just as God has a greater plan for that tiny seed, God also has a greater plan for us as we are planted and take root in Him to push through our own dirt to produce abundant harvests in our lives and in the lives of others! Amen!
Have a spectacular day today.
Love San 😀

Good morning ya’ll ministry messages


(Photo courtesy of Choosak Wonggaew)
“As for God, His way is perfect…” Psalm 18:30
Good morning ya’ll. I pray that you have a magnificent day today. New beginnings take place all over the world every day, whether we know about them or not. These new beginnings are truly a gift, but with this gift can still come nervousness, anxiousness, doubts, fears, and uncertainties. After all, the likelihood is that we’ve all had new beginnings more than once in our lives and chances are we had to go through some changes and even a few endings to get to our new beginnings. “Closing time, every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end.” This line from the song “Closing time” by Semisonic used to always make me feel a little sad when I’d hear this song because I knew that while the new beginnings were exciting for some, the beginnings which had to come to an end surely meant heartbreak for others. That was certainly all too familiar to me. To get to our new beginnings oftentimes we have to make it through the closings of old things, some we are more than ready to see go, others we don’t ever want to let go of, nevertheless, we will have to face the closings and endings no matter how hard they may be to face, in order to see our new beginnings take shape. Through the endings and the beginnings we will always find that the best way for us to handle either one is to keep our hearts and our eyes firmly focused on our steady rock, our Father God almighty! For through every change that we face, He will always remain our steady and solid rock. He will always stay right by our sides whether grieving an ending or celebrating a new beginning. Amen!
Have a tremendously blessed day today.
Love San 😋